I just discovered that the “bug” wasn’t with the code I wrote or modified – it was with the way the data type was laid out (alphanumeric instead of date) and that it was my Boss’ fault. Frustrated at the wasted time, relieved that it wasn’t my fault, amused that it was my boss’ fault. Oh, and relieved that the deadline has been pushed back to whenever we get the stinking thing done (which will be soon but not tomorrow night).
Also, at the end of last week lots of press members were invited out to the Skywalker Ranch in LA to view/partake in the DVD for Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Apparently the deal is that once midnight Tuesday rolls around on the west coast (2 AM for you Texas types) websites are allowed to post their reviews of the 2-disc set, so check on The Force or DVDFile if you’re up. On the one hand the reviews should be good – early word is that this is one fantastic transfer of the film and one hell of an offering on DVD. On the other hand, the websites are likely to criticize the film (again) and lament that it’s too little too late. In either event, it doesn’t really matter – myself and millions of others will be purchasing the DVD no matter what for the simple fact that this is freaking Star Wars on DVD – something we were always told wouldn’t be forthcoming in any way shape or form until 2006. One sixth of the way to a full set!