Still no NWN. Something odd I’ve noticed about people with this game though. A number of people won’t buy it because it’s $59.99. I have a 30% off coupon for Best Buy and I think it won’t be full rpice day one, so it’s less of an issue, but some people refuse to pay more than $40-$50 for a game. Others claim “this game sucks!” or “this game kicks ass!” right before or after they indicate that they don’t own the game yet. Remember – there haven’t been any reviews of this game yet, so people are mostly “rating” their game based on their affection for the genre or based off of previews. The most interesting however is the sheer number of people who refuse to buy the game until it gets a patch or two. No one has had the game long enough to have huge issues but yet the public is so distrustful by and large of 1.0 releases that they’ll stay away until the inevitable patch, especially for games where the “day one patch” is a custom.
Oh well, perhaps tommorow…