One of my all-time favorite shows is NYPD Blue. I’ve been taping them off ABC in recent years, but what I really want is to get them all on tape. A daunting task, given that the show has been on for years now. If nothing else, having them on TV on a regular basis would be nice. FX, the Fox cable cash-in channel, has been airing them for some time but my cable provider doesn’t carry that channel. A short while back I heard that TNT would start carrying the show, so I got all excited. I just checked the TNT Page, however, and they say that the episodes they’re airing tommorow feature Bobby Simone, so they’re not beginning the series from episode one. However, this FAQ entry tells me that what happened is that FX’s rights expired in August and so TNT and CourtTV (?) started bidding on the rights, and they both won. Both channels will show two episodes per day, one in the morning and one in the evening. Court TV’s morning episode will begin the rotation at season one, the evening rotation with season two. TNT’s morning episode starts at season five, the evening starts with season six. Apaprently once they get to the end of the syndicated seasons they’re going to start over, so once season 12 or so ends on TNT they’ll start with season one again. I’d rather start watching/taping them from season one, but of course I don’t get Court TV.
Am I crazy enough to attempt to tape them all? Will I remember to set the VCR every day? Will my wife ever let me purchase enough videotapes? Stay tuned…