Okay folks, here’s a head-scratcher. Remember the magazine Total Movie? I subscribed to this magazine for its initial doomed 4 issue run – a bimonthly issue and a DVD full of movie trailers and short films. It was pretty cool, I thought.
I think what happened to the remainder of money for the magazine went into my Next Generation subscription (along with the money applied to the failed Official Sega Dreamcast Magazine). However, now Total Movie has relaunched and it’s a little more pricey this time. However, according to the relaunched website, the yearly subscription price of $39.99, you get 6 bi-monthly issues of Total Movie, 6 bi-monthly issues of Inside DVD (a second magazine that apparently doesn’t even bother with a print medium – it’s just a snapper case) and – here’s the kicker – 40 DVD movies.
Here’s what they say about that:
“The 40 movie bundle includes Classics, Westerns, Noir, Sci-Fi, Cult, Animation and even French New Wave; from directors including Alfred Hitchcock, Orson Welles, Francis Ford Coppola and Frank Capra; starring actors including Jack Nicholson, Marlon Brando, Cary Grant and contemporary fave John Travolta.”
Damn. I really want this now. Of course this hits as all my magazine subscriptions need to be renewed and I have a hard enough time doing that – plus they’re being delayed because the money is tight (as always). But still – even though I know that a lot of these movies won’t be, say, A+ titles, it would be cool to suddenly have a much expanded DVD collection for cheap. My guess is these are probably a bunch of “never did sell” titles that perhaps would be nice to have on DVD but you would never get around to buying for various reasons If you only get to buy a DVD once in a blue moon, it’s always something balls-out like Star Wars, but for those “eh, what the hell…” movies this may be just what you need. Kinda like when you flip to a Turner owned network and they’re playing some movie you’d like to watch, but you don’t want to pay $20 for.
Must… scrounge up…. change….
(having said that if they’re all shit movies there’s no way I’m getting it – someone’s bound to put out a list of them soon)